written by Lynne Brooks copyright 2006
a story about the ego
It's so easy to forget Do this do that Keep yourself distracted The ego is a clever fellow Always ready with the latest tactic Oh look at all that you have done You are the best you are the one
No one can do what you have done You and only you are Gods own son
The ego mind struts about With all its pride it loves to shout Look at me I'm the one I am Gods only son
Then with his grandest wave He lifts you up and tell you You are so brave Then he sets you on your finest horse And declares to all the world of course That you are better than anyone You are even better that God - the one
As you sit upon your horse so high Believing with all your heart the egos lie The tricky ego mind is back and Whispers words of fear and lack
At first his voice is very faint You can easily remember you are a saint But then one day you can't ignore His voice so loud so clear he implores Look around you and see what's real He goads you with his appeal
From high upon your horse so sure You take a glance you take a tour Reality is harsh you hear him say It's a dog eat dog world today
Don't worry he says as you worry yourself sick There are others worse off that you - you can lick Let me give you a few words of advice Watch the person next door and don't be too nice
Oh yes he goes on Don't forget Someone always has more that you can get
Convincingly he told me I have your best interests at heart With that he left me alone in the dark
I have so much to do to get back on top Where do I start and when do I stop How did I get into all of this mess It must be someone elses fault, I need to rest
I'll take a pill, I'll have a drink I'm too tired to even think How could they do this to me I screamed out loud I guess I'm not good enough to be part of the crowd
Don't be silly I heard his voice say You can do anything just not today Sometimes it helps to get mad at the world And blame everyone else for your sickly swirl
Spinning and spinning with his voice in my head I quietly called for help from God instead I lay very still and waited to hear The one true voice who in silence is always here
You were created from love and that's all I see I heard Gods voice singing to me You are love so that's all you can create The rest is an illusion and it's not too late Let it all go your fears and your hate Forgive yourself and each other and then relax and wait
Love is what you are Know this to be true Be that love you feel And your world will be renewed
It sounded so lovely so peaceful so right
But I asked sheepishly what of the egos might
Ah the poor ego God replied with a smile
He is your gift of free will
He is your child
Raise him with love and he will serve you well
And together you will create
Forever Amen
© 2006 Lynne Brooks. All rights reserved.
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